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Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching is based on the belief that learning needs to be student centered and students need to be equal partners in the learning process. In my role as an educator, I use my expertise to inspire students and ensure that they are well equipped to find and evaluate the resources they need to address any challenges that arise in their design practice.


Teaching is not exclusively about transmitting knowledge; it also involves providing students with an engaging learning experience. In order to make this experience meaningful, it is important to encourage students to devote themselves to educational activities and develop a deep sense of challengeable enjoyment through the learning process. For me, this is what student-centered learning means. It starts with understanding students’ perspectives, including what students want to achieve through my course and what they need to learn to make meaningful progress and achieve successful results. To facilitate this process, I—as an educator—seek out the most optimized teaching methods based on interactions with students.


A critical factor in creating cooperative learning environments is to embrace diversity. The campus should be a place where all students are welcomed, different perspectives are respectfully heard, and every individual feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. Educators who promote an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion are valuable for helping all students access the tools they need to succeed in their careers. A university can enhance students’ experiences and promote collaborative and innovative research by providing an equal opportunity environment that fosters respect and communication across gender, racial, or other communities. Students from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds have different learning styles and skill levels in different areas.

I strive to create a truly collaborative and supportive learning environment for all students while catering to the specific learning needs of individual students from diverse backgrounds. The warm and welcoming classroom experiences will help students feel confident in their work and guide them toward academic and personal excellence. I believe that this is how to empower students to become confident and successful future leaders.  

Teaching Philosophy: About
Teaching Philosophy: Text
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