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  • Yvonne Lee

History of Pottery: Through the Years

About 12,000 years ago, pottery was one of mankind's most common living containers used in many parts of the world, contributing significantly to the development of human culture. As such, ancient earthenware was a measure of the period classification and had a profound impact on the development of a more affluent lifestyle as a living vessel that was very close to everyday life. [1]

1. American Pottery

America had just discovered pottery in the 16th century, along with parts of the eastern world. From 1684, pottery played a significant role in the arts of America. The 20th century was filled with pleasant artwork by many different artists [1]

2. Africa Pottery

African pottery is usually handcrafted without the use of a wheel, utilizing coiling and molding techniques, and their methods have been passed down through generations. Terracotta clay is most commonly used to produce pots of remarkable durability. [1] [2]

3. Asian Pottery

The history of Asian pottery originated in the Tang Dynasty from 618-907 AD. Pottery played a significant role in the arts of Asia, especially China, Korea, and Japan. In Asian culture, blue and white pottery is most popular. [1]

4. Mediterranean Pottery

Mediterranean pottery is also well-known for its table-top work. It’s extensive international leaders such as the President of Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and many others. [1] Mediterranean pottery produces a wide array of earthenware and ceramic products such as decorative ceramics, house names, and sine age, household ceramics. [3]



  1. Pottery of different cultures (Xin Chen, 2016)

  2. Discovering the Earth: African Pottery From The Speed's Collection (2014)

  3. Mediterranean Ceramics Malta (2013)

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